Ernie Kestler’s film provides an innovative perspective of how food relates to the physical and cultural survival of the Holocaust. From the personal accounts told by Holocaust survivors we see how talking about the foods that were culturally significant in their lives helped them cope with the incredible hunger that they endured in the concentration camps. We also see how lack of food effected their religious beliefs. The film contributes to our understanding of both past and present conditions where extreme food deprivation has severely impacted the lives of human beings.

Ernie Kestler, born in Montreal, is the son of Henry Kestler, a survivor of Dachau. After attending Concordia University, Ernie worked his way up through the ranks in the movie industry, starting as a Camera Assistant and eventually becoming a Director of Photography. During his lengthy career he has worked on documentaries, commercials, independent dramas, episodic television, TV movies and feature films.

Opening Reception: June 22, 7:30 p.m
June 22, 6 - 11 p.m

National Film Board of Canada
150 John St.
(416) 973-3012

Elaine Brodie
Kenneth Chou
Erin Clarke
Christine Engel
Tori Foster
Ryan Gauvin
Jermaine Bagnall
Gail Hammer
Estelle Hebert
Randy Horton
Ernie Kestler
Stephanie Kloibhofer
Laurie, Mark
Robert Lendrum
Heather Lidberg
Joanne Loton
Morris Lum
Lindsay Maynard
Sadia Mir
Zanele Muholi
Lyndall Musselman
Lara Rosenoff
Graham Runciman
Mike Sage
Melanie Saumure
Katherine Schneider
Mark Tollefson
Inger Whist
Marie Wustner